[2022.04.04] Snow, Moon, and Flower: Flowers with Kaikai and Kiki – Archival pigment & silkscreen[2022.04.01] Snow, Moon, and Flower: Snowman with Kaikai and Kiki – Archival pigment & silkscreen[2022.03.28] Snow, Moon, and Flower: Kaikai and Kiki Viewing the Moon – Archival pigment & silkscreen[2022.03.18] Rum Pum Pum in a Field of Flowers![2022.02.25] Flower Parent and Child, Rum Pum Pum![2022.01.28a] Red Dragon, White Platinum- Silkscreen
[2022.01.28b] Red Dragon, Jet Black- Silkscreen[2022.01.27] CONTeXT – Archival pigment[2021.01.12y] Murakami[2020.03.28z] Rhapsody of a Foolish Family[2020.03.24] Tonari no Smiley-Kun No.1[2020.02.25] Cherry Blossoms Kaikai Kiki[2019.12.03] PVC Figure Kaikai Kiki Black & White[2019.06.08] Homage to Anno Hideaki: New Godzilla & Eve silkscreen[2019.04.08] PVC Figure Kaikai Kiki Blue Eyes Version (Tonari, Instinctoy)[2019.02.02] Bubblewrap[2018.12.16z] There’ s bound to be difficult times There’ s bound to be sad times But we won’t lose heart; we’d rather not cry, so laugh, we will![2018.12.16y] Fortune Favors the Merry Home! Kaikai and Kiki[2018.12.16x] You have all sorts of ups and downs in life. Right, Kaikai and Kiki?![2018.12.01] PVC Figure Kaikai Kiki (ComplexCon, Tonari, Cherry)[2017.06o] The Artist’s Agony and Ecstasy[2017.06n] Self-Portrait of the Manifold Worries of a Manifoldly Distressed Artist[2016.01mm] The Creative Mind[2016.01m] Kaikai & Kiki: Dreaming of Shangri-la[2014] Contemplating Dark Matter[2014] Standing on the Bridge linking space and time[2013.12.06] Me among the supernatural[2013.12.06] Kaikai, Kiki, Dob, and Pom atop the Mound of the Dead[2013.12.06] Chaos[2013.10.17z] Kaikai, Kiki and Me[2013.10.17y] Flowers and Death and Me and…[2013.10.17x] Naked Me Contemplates Death (Memento Mori)[2013.10.17w] Panda Family and Me[2013.10.17v] Mr. DOB Comes to Play His Flute[2013.10.17u] With Eyes on the Reality of One Hundred Years from Now[2013.10.17t] Obliterate the Self and Even a Fire is Cool[2013.10.17s] With the Notion of Death, the Flowers Look Beautiful[2013.10.17r] A Space for Philosophy[2013.10.17q] With the Coming of Spring, the Grass Returns Naturally[2013.07.20z] Kaikai Kiki & Me: On the Blue Mound of the Dead[2013.07.20y] DOB & Me: On the Red Mound of the Dead[2013.07.20v] Me and the Mr. DOBs[2013.07.20u] Pom & Me: On the Red Mound of the Dead[2013.06.29y] I Met a Panda Family[2013.06.29x] Pom & Me[2011.10.29x] Flower Matango[2011.10.29w] Oval Buddha[2011.10.29v] Me and Pom[2011.10.29u] “Kaikai” and “Kiki”[2011.06.04] Kaikai Kiki News silkscreen[2011.03] New Day: Self Portrait
Silkscreen[2011.03.27z] New Day:DOB Totem Pole[2011.03.27y] New Day:Self Portrait[2011.03.27x] New Day:Lots of Kaikai Kikis![2010.12.12z] Pom & Me[2010.12.09y] Playful and Carefree/A Leisurely Meander On Puppy Island (My Response to Leonardo da Vinci)[2010.09.19z] Dob and Me[2010.08.05y] Kaikai Kiki and Me – The Shocking Truth Revealed![2010.06.14v] Murakami Takashi Kaikai Kiki and Me – For Better or Worse, In Good Times and Bad. The Weather is Fine[2009p] Self-Portrait of the Distressed Artist[2009o] Me and Double-DOB[2009n] Kaikai Kiki and Me[2009m] 94_Murakami-kun, Quel Surprise Et Quel Dommage[2009l] Me and Kaikai and Kiki[2009k] Kaikai Kiki Lots of Fun[2009ij Kaikai Kiki News No. 2[2009i] Here Comes Media[2009h] Reversed Double Helix – Black Head Brown Body[2009g] Hypha Will Cover the World Little by Little, “We should be able to get our hands on that door to the alien world soon. Wait til we get there!”[2008m] Nirvana