Traditional — Arhat Kansei/Korin Daruma Enso Lion Abstract
[2022.01.28a] Red Dragon, White Platinum- Silkscreen
[2022.01.28b] Red Dragon, Jet Black- Silkscreen[2022.01.27] CONTeXT – Archival pigment[2020.12.10z] BLOCK CHAIN Daydream silkscreen[2020.12.10z] BLOCK CHAIN Nightmare silkscreen[2020.11.27z] The Golden Age: Kōrin – Kansei[2020.11.27y] Kōrin: Tranquility[2020.11.25z] Kōrin: Courtly Elegance[2020.11.25y] Kōrin: Kyoto[2020.08.03z] Coffee Zen Enso White[2020.08.03z] Coffee Zen Enso Black[2018.11.15z] Ensō: Facing the Pitch-black Void silkscreen[2018.11.15y] Ensō: A World Filled with Light silkscreen[2018.09.24z] Kyoto Ensō silkscreen[2017.06n] Eka Danpi (“Eka’s amputation”) – By Peering into the Natural Mind, One Can See the True Nature of Things. Namu Amidabutsu[2017.06m] Eka Danpi (“Eka’s amputation”) – My Heart Bursts with Adoration for My Master and So I Offer My Arm to Him[2016.09v] Korin Flowers of Resurrection[2016.09u] The Golden Age:Hokkyo Takashi[2016.09t] Korin:Flowers[2016.01zz] 4 Arhats, One With Four Eyes[2016.01z] 12 Arhats[2016.01yy] Assignation of a Spirit[2016.01y] Behold! Tis the Netherworld[2016.01xx] Phantasma[2016.01x] Clairvoyance[2016.01ww] 2 Arhats Meditating Amid the Hellfire of the Mound of the Dead[2016.01w] While Practicing Sādhanā, I Sprouted A Tree From My Head[2016.01vv] Deer God of the Forest and Arhat[2016.01u] Ensō: Zen, The Heavens[2016.01tt] Ensō: Memento Mori Red[2016.01t] Ensō: Memento Mori Red on Blue[2016.01qq] Ensō: Intellection[2016.01q] Ensō: Earthly Desires[2016.01pp] Ensō: The Heart[2016.01p] Ensō: Tranquility[2016.01oo] Amitabha Buddha[2016.01o] Agama[2016.01k] Kansei: Wildflowers Glowing in the Night[2016.01jj] A Red River is Visible[2016.01j] Kansei: The Golden Age[2016.01ii] Hokkyō Takashi – Kansei[2016.01i] Kōrin: Superstring Theory[2016.01hh] Kōrin: Azure River[2016.01h] Kōrin: Stellar River in the Heavens[2016.01gg] Kōrin: Dark Matter[2016.01g] Kōrin: The Time of Celebration[2016.01ff] Kōrin: Pure White[2013.12.20] Kansei: Fresh Blood[2013.06.29z] Red Demon and Blue Demon with 48 Arhats[2012.12.02z] Of Chinese Lions, Peonies, Skulls, And Fountains[2012.12.02y] As The Interdimensional Waves Run Through Me, I Can Distinguish Between The Voices Of Angel And Devil![2011.07.04y] Kansei Skulls[2011.07.02y] Architect of the Heart[2010.11.11z] Yo, Hakuin[2010.11.11y] Mirroring your Image, Take a Bow Hakuin[2010.09.19w] Kansei, Abstraction[2010.09.12] Kansei Korin Red Stream[2010.09.05z] I Recall The Time When My Feet Lifted Off The Ground,Ever So Slightly-Korin-Chrysanthemum[2010.09.05y] Kansei Like The River’s Flow[2010.09.02x] Kansei[2010.08.05] With Reverence, I Lay Myself Before You–Korin–Chrysanthemum[2010.08.05] Kansei Korin Gold[2010.06.14u] Genome No. 10[2010.04y] NGC 2371-2 (Gemini Nebula)[2010.04x] Treasure Island/Hidden Jewels of the Mediterranean[2010.04w] Warp[2010.04v] A Picture of the Blessed Lion Who Stares at Death[2009f] Davy Jones’ Tear[2009ff] Infinity[2009e] Dumb Compass[2008p] My arms and legs rot off and though my blood rushes forth, the tranquility of my heart shall be prized above all. (Red blood, black blood, blood that is not blood)[2008q] The road to illumination stretches too far ahead. How can I fend off the crashing waves of earthly desires? I am therein a mournful beast. The husk of humanity, too cruel[2008r] From the perceived debris of the universe, we are still yet unable to reach the stage of nirvana[2008s] Initiate the speed of cerebral synapse at free will